
Advantages and Disadvantages of Broadband Internet

Advantages and Disadvantages of Broadband Internet

As online training programs become more high tech (i.e., streaming video), broadband solutions for completing online training programs will become more popular. A broadband connection will allow you to view streaming video, download large files and interact in discussion boards with relative ease. There are several distinct advantages and disadvantages of using a broadband connection for your online training programs.

Advantages of a broadband connection:

  1. High speeds
  2. The telephone line is not necessary
  3. Your Internet connection stays active
  4. Your phone line is open for telephone calls

Your main advantage associated with using a broadband connection (DSL or cable modem) is fast download speeds and the availability of huge streams of bandwidth. You can expect between 2-25 Mbps when using a broadband connection for your online training programs, depending on the amount of congestion on the line and your distance from a base station. Lighting fast download speeds allow you to complete online training programs using streaming video and interactive online applications without hassle or delays. To use a broadband connection, a landline is not necessary to connect to your ISP. This allows your phone line to be left open to receive important phone calls from your friends or family throughout the day or night. Another advantage associated with a broadband connection is the fact that your Internet connection can be left on for extended periods of time. Precious time you spend connecting to the Internet and annoying busy signals are avoided using broadband solutions.

Disadvantages of a broadband connection:

  1. High price
  2. Security concerns – firewall
  3. Congestion on the lines

The main drawback associated with a broadband connection is the high prices necessary to connect to the World Wide Web. month to surf the web and complete online training programs. The exuberant price of online services can be a huge drawback for your family. Also, security concerns can be an enormous downside to using a broadband connection. For a computer to be protected during online viewing, you must purchase and calibrate some form of a firewall to protect your personal computer from hackers. There have been many documented cases of attempts by hackers to gain control of computers and steal valuable information and files from individuals. In the age of online banking and bill payments solutions, security concerns are paramount. In addition, you may experience congestion while using a broadband connection, which can ultimately slow down your online service. In addition, if an ISP experiences high volume traffic on their fiber optic lines, ISP’s may even put a cap on the amount of bandwidth you can use on their broadband connection. This can tremendously hinder the completion of your online training program.

With the popularity of online training programs being implemented within corporate America and throughout school districts, a broadband connection is the wave of the future. A broadband connection will allow you to complete and interact with online training programs with great ease.


Broadband Internet access comes with both advantages and disadvantages. However, despite the disadvantages, it has become the most common way to connect to the Internet. Broadband is the future of telecommunications, and the broadband connection industry is growing just as customer demand is growing. Simultaneously, research is also ongoing to provide a better product. To conclude, it can be rightly said that the broadband Internet connection is a very important invention in the world of technology and one that is likely to remain so for the foreseeable future.

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